Friday, June 08, 2007

december bride!

I remember driving to Teresa's parent's house early that morning. The pavement was wet and knew that it will be raining most of the day. It did not, however, dampened the spirits of the people who were in the wedding. Teresa was gorgeous and waits in her room for Van to come and whisk her away. Before Van can come into the house and take his bride away , he must perform anything the bridesmaids asked him. He had to sing and give some push ups. It was hilarious watching him and his groomsmen plead to the girls. And, finally he was allowed to come into the home and the traditional Chinese ceremony begins. From there, we caravaned over to their home where another ceremony was held for the groom's side of the family. We then headed to the State Capitol. I was so amazed that despite the wet ground and slight drizzle, I did not hear one complaint from anyone. We just hurried under that front porch of the capitol and took some fun and amazing photos. After that, we went to the Holiday Inn for the ceremony. Later that evening, they had a Chinese banquet with hundreds of people in attendance. The food was amazing and just kept coming in. Unfortunately, I only had a few bite here and there. Van and Teresa couldn't either, they had guests to greet at each table. Teresa changed into her gorgeous traditional Chinese gown. She looked amazing in it. Teresa and Van are a great couple...happy and gracious. I enjoyed being around them. ***click here*** to view their slideshow.

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